Maytag Neptune Door Shims

Occasionally, when working on the Neptune with the front cover off, the need arises to see it run for testing. The problem is, without the cover in place, the door will be slightly misaligned, and the door lock mechanism may not fully engage. A pair of shims can be used to overcome this misalignment and allow the door to close properly with the front cover removed.

CAUTION: Operating any appliance with the covers removed is extremely dangerous. Only qualified service personnel should perform live system tests when guards and/or covers are not in place.

I used a PC bracket, like this one to make the door shims. Click to enlarge
Click to Enlarge
Cut, filed smooth, with the ends rolled over, they become door shims. Click to enlarge
Click to Enlarge
Here is a view of the shims in place. Click to enlarge
Click to Enlarge

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